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Pharmacie Coffee Wholesale

Humberto Pecupaque, Colombia — Filter Roast

PRODUCER: Humberto & Alba Pecupaque

PROCESS:  Washed, 24-36 hour dry fermentation

REGION: Gaitania, Tolima

VARIETAL: Pink Bourbon, San Bernardo, Tabi, Pacamara, Castillo, Caturra  


Tasting Notes: Light citrus note with sweet and round papaya, milk chocolate and chamomile body and long lasting finish.

About The Coffee 

Humberto Pecupaque's farm is situated in the Nasa We'sx indigenous reserve, a sovereign territory within Colombian borders, administered by the native authorities, allowing the indigenous values to dictate community life, education, and trade. He spent his childhood in the reserve where he now lives and works.

Humberto takes risks with his farm, using alternative coffee-growing techniques. He constructed large drying structures and replanted half of the farm with prized delicate coffee varietals to test whether any of them could work well in the reserve.

Unfortunately, in the first season of full production, he had a cable car accident high over a ravine and suffered severe trauma, needing to travel several hours by motorbike to the nearest hospital. He was in a coma for several weeks, totally paralysed for several more, followed by 6 months of slow recuperation.

Humberto's wife, Alba, returned to the farm alone while he was in hospital and found the wet mill ransacked. Using a kind of coded treasure map – the results of several seasons of processing experiments with friend Cedro Alto – she rebuilt most of what was lost and continued moving the project forward, keeping the cup profile consistent. With this year's quality premiums, the family plans to continue to improve by planting additional native shade trees in the coffee plots and build lombriculture (worm composting).

At PHARMACIE, we've enjoyed this coffee for several years in a row now. Carola, our head roaster, praises it as a rare gem and our firm favourite among Colombian coffees, bursting with flavour and body.

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Humberto Pecupaque, Colombia — Filter RoastHumberto Pecupaque, Colombia — Filter RoastHumberto Pecupaque, Colombia — Filter RoastHumberto Pecupaque, Colombia — Filter Roast